Board members are enthusiastic about our district’s progress toward proficiency based and personalized learning systems. Our teachers have developed standards by which they will measure and report each student’s progress towards mastering important skills and concepts. The district is customizing a reporting system, which teachers will use to organize and track data about student progress and to communicate that progress to students and parents. Plans are also in place to strengthen student understanding of mindset, motivation, and metacognition to support their transition to Proficiency Based Learning. There will be a great deal of communication between the administration, teachers, parents, and students as we continue to implement this new process, which will serve students’ learning needs.
The Board is looking forward to regular updates on the work in our schools on Proficiency Based Learning and Personalization at meetings throughout the school year.
Superintendent Tracy Wrend briefed the board on the ramifications of Act 85, which determines how the state will capture savings from changes in teacher health insurance. Lamoille South Supervisory Union’s contractual net employer/employee contributions to healthcare are close to the target plan laid out by the state, and we do expect to generate savings from the health insurance transition to offset amounts expected to be withheld from state education fund payments. In addition, Act 85 set yield amounts and non-residential tax rates at a different level than projected during budgeting, and ultimately local tax rates are lower than was projected in March.