SHS News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Stowe High School.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Announcements, Tuesday, December 13, 2016

·         Jazz Band will meet on Tuesday, December 13th during block 4, Band & Chorus will report to SPP during block 4.

·         Clubs will meet on Wednesday, December 14th during TA time. All students signed up for Volleyball Club please report to the cafeteria, not the gym.

·         No Piano 1 class period 7 on Thursday, December 15th, please report to SPP.

·         4th Annual Hunger's Hard, Baking's Easy – Please join your fellow friends and bakers as we prepare and donate baked goods to the Lamoille Community Food Share and The First Congregational Church in Morrisville for the December holidays. Also collecting doggie treats for the North Country Animal League. Hunger's Hard, Baking's Easy is a grassroots effort that started in 2013. Baked goods re a rare site at most food pantries and are especially appreciated and needed during the holidays. Create them yourself or purchase form your local baker. Drop off is Monday, December 19th at Stowe Elementary School, Stowe/Middle High School, The Body Lounge, In Company Clothing and Inntopoia. Please have donations delivered by 2:00pm. Contact Beth Godbois at of Leslie Whitaker at for more information.

·         Day of Service is fast approaching. We are looking for more ideas of ways we can help in our Community. If you have any ideas or know of a group or individual we should reach out to, please speak with Ms. Wells or a member of the Student Leadership Team.

·         Community Service:

o   The Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center is looking for student volunteers. We look for positive and engaging people to help with putting up poster in our area, usher events, act as lobby greeters and more. For more information contact Derek Pedersen at or call the box office at 802-760-4634.

o   Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of UVM is looking for a tech assistant to help with two nine week lecture series. The lectures are on Wednesdays at 1:30pm. The tech assistant would help at 12:30pm to deal with DVD, power point and computer technology etc. Winter semester begins in January and the Fall semester begins in September. Contact Millie Marron at the Town & Country #253-7597.

Old News:

·         The Global Children's Club is collecting clothing for children in need. There will be a box in the high school lobby the clothing. Donations can be shirts, pants, sweatshirts, winter wear and shoes.

·         Nurse Janet Godin will be conducting Eye Exams for grades 9 and 11. If you have a free period, stop by and see Janet.

·         Attention seniors – VSAC Scholarships for Vermonters booklets are in the guidance office. Students can apply for VSAC scholarships for which they meet all eligibility requirements. Application deadline in Friday, March 3rd. If student applications ae submitted/postmarked by Friday, February 3rd they will be entered in a drawing for one of three $1,000 scholarships. Booklets are available in guidance and in the high school office.

·         HELP NEEDED WITH THE FRIDAY SKI & SNOWBOARD PROGRAM – Looking for more volunteers to help with the Friday Afternoon Ski and Snowboard Program groups. Whether you can commit to certain days or can be on the substitute list, we need more volunteers to keep the group sizes small (4 – 6 kids per group). Requirements – Attend a mandatory 1-day safety clinic on either December 17th or 18th. You will receive a day pass validated on the Fridays that you attend and a 1-day lift ticket voucher that can be used Sunday – Friday with the exception of some blackout dates and is transferable for family and friends. Program dates are January 6, 13, 20, 27, February 10, 17, and March 10, 17. Please email or call Dot at 253-4154 to receive more information.

·         Refugee Outreach Club is hosting a winter clothing drive through the month of November until Friday, December 16th. Please donate new or gently used winter coats, hats mittens, boots and any other warm clothing. Donation bins are located in the HS lobby as well as the SES lobby. All donations will be going to the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program and other organizations with a mission to provide for local New American communities in Vermont.

·         The 2017 Ella Skye Art Calendar is here! There are so many ways to grab one before they sell out…on the web at, Black Cap Coffee or Bear Pond Books in Stowe. You can also email Ella's mom at and have it delivered right to the high school. Calendars are $15.95 ($16.60 w/tax) 10% of all calendars sold support Heartbeet Lifesharing in Hardwick. Support local art, autism awareness and Heartbeet all at the same time!

·         The Ultimate Frisbee Club is now selling Stowe Raider Frisbee's for $15. See Roger to purchase.

·         Students can now upload photos from their mobile devices to be put into the yearbook through an app called "Replay It". It is available for free online. Yearbook club is looking for sports pictures, homecoming pictures, spirit week pictures and any candid's you wish to be seen in the yearbook.



All entrées served with milk, fruit and veggie bar

DEC 13 – homemade whole wheat pizza, Caesar salad

DEC 14 – cheesy lasagna, beef or vegetarian, cucumber salad, garlic bread

DEC 15 – beef or bean nachos, cheese sauce, rice, salsa, sour cream, black bean salad

DEC 16 – BBQ pork sandwich, whole wheat bun, coleslaw, sweet potato fries

DEC 19 – Breakfast for Lunch – waffles, home fries, sausage links

DEC 20 – homemade whole wheat pizza, Caesar salad

DEC 21 – beef enchiladas, seasoned rice, salsa, sour cream, black bean & corn salad

DEC 22 – hamburgers, cheeseburgers whole wheat bun, sweet potato fries

DEC 23 – hot and cold sandwiches and a selection of entrée's



DEC  14 – Girls' Ice Hockey vs. Hartford; 5:00

                  Boys' Ice Hockey vs. Milton; 7:00

DEC  15 – Boys' Basketball vs. Craftsbury; JV 5:30, V 7:00

DEC  16 – Girls' Basketball vs. Harwood; JV 5:30, V 7:00

DEC  17 – Boys' Basketball vs. Montpelier; JV 1:00, V 2:30

                  Girls' Ice Hockey vs. Spaulding; 4:30

                  Boys' Ice Hockey vs. U-32; 6:30

DEC  28 – Nordic Ski Team @ Sleep Hollow – Skate

                  Boys' Basketball vs. Winooski; JV 5:30, V 7:00

                  Girls' Ice Hockey @ Rice; 5:40, bus leave 3:40 ES

                  Girls' Basketball @ Danville; JV 6:00, V 7:30, bus leave 4:15 ES

                  Boys' Ice Hockey @ Middlebury; 7:00 – Middlebury Tournament

DEC  29 – Boys' Ice Hockey vs. Milton; 3:00 – Middlebury Tournament

DEC  30 – Girls' Basketball @ Winooski; 7:00 Varsity only, bus leave 5:20 ES