SHS News & Announcements

Public news and announcements from Stowe High School.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Announcements, Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

teacher on duty – Karen Schnee


ANNOUNCEMENTS: to be read in 1st period classes


Band and Chorus members:

Recital Evening at Spruce Peak Performing Art Center – Band Members; please arrive at SPPAC by 6:00pm, Chorus members; please arrive by 6:15pm. Please remember concert attire is ALL BLACK. The performance is this Thursday, November 17th at 7:00pm.


Poinsettia Orders are due by Friday, November 18th. Delivery date is Friday, December 2nd at Stowe Elementary School from 3:00 – 5:00pm.


Guidance Announcements

College visits:

University of New Haven – Wednesday, November 16th at 8:00am

Endicott College – Friday, November 18th at 8:00am

·         Nurse Janet Godin will be conducting Eye Exams for grades 9 and 11. If you have a free period, stop by and see Janet.

·         Girls' Open Gym will take place on TODAY, Tuesday, November 15th 3:00 – 5:00pm and on Thursday, November 17th 4:30 – 5:30pm.

·         There will be a Nordic Informational Meeting TODAY, Tuesday, November 15th at 3:00pm in the auditorium for all athletes interested in being on the Nordic Team. If you cannot make the meeting please email Carol Van Dyke

·         A Professional Musical Theatre Workshop will be offered to any interested theatre and music students, no cost involved, by Bill Reed professional voice teacher TOMORROW, Wednesday, November 16th 3:30 – 5:00pm in the auditorium.

·         A Turkey on Every Table: Nobody should go hungry, especially at the holidays. The Stowe Schools in partnership with the Blessed Sacrament Church, Stowe Community Church and the Lamoille Family Center are collecting food to feed 30 families. Please help us by taking a feather at one of the schools and returning the item listed to that same location by Thursday, November 17th. We have collection boxes and freezer space available for storage at each school. Please give gift cards to the front office to hold. Your generosity is affording every family the opportunity to have a warm and hearty Thanksgiving together. We sincerely thank for sharing some love.

·         All Music Students will be out from 10:30am – 2:30pm (periods 4 – 8) on Thursday, November 17th for their dress rehearsal at SPPAC for their performance that evening. Concert begins at 7:00apm. Over 100 students form MS and HS will be performing!

·         On Friday, November 18th all the students that have signed up for "Snowboard Club" please meet in Ms. Wells' room during snack.

·         Come support the High School Musical "Urinetown" on Friday, November 18th at 7:00pm, Saturday, November 19th at 2:00pm and 7:00pm and on Sunday, November 20th at 2:00pm. Tickets are $ 10/adults and $7/students 14 and under. 

·         The 30th Annual Turkey Trot will take place on Saturday, November 19th. Registration begins at 10:00am at LeBier Reality; entry fee is $10, plus a non-perishable food for the Food Shelf. Race time is at 11:00am (be prompt)! First place male and female win a Turkey, plus lots of other prizes. Registration forms are located in the high school office.

·         4th Annual Hunger's Hard, Baking's Easy – Please join your fellow friends and bakers as we prepare and donate baked goods to the Lamoille Community Share, Lamoille Senior Center, and the First Congregational Church in Morrisville for the holidays. Hunger's Hard, Baking's Easy is a grassroots effort that started in 2013. Baked goods are a rare site at most food pantries and are especially appreciated and needed during the holidays. Create them yourself or purchase from your local baker. Drop off is Monday, November 21st at Stowe Elementary School, Middle/High School, The Body Lounge, In Company Clothing and Inntopia. Please have all donations delivered by 2:00pm. Contact Beth Gadbois at or Leslie Whitaker at

·         There will be a Girls' Basketball meeting Monday, November 21st from 6:30 to 7:00pm in the cafeteria.

·         Refugee Outreach Club is hosting a winter clothing drive through the month of November until Friday, December 16th. Please donate new or gently used winter coats, hats mittens, boots and any other warm clothing. Donation bins are located in the HS lobby as well as the SES lobby. All donations will be going to the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program and other organizations with a mission to provide for local New American communities in Vermont.

·         The 2017 Ella Skye Art Calendar is here! There are so many ways to grab one before they sell out…on the web at, Black Cap Coffee or Bear Pond Books in Stowe. You can also email Ella's mom at and have it delivered right to the high school. Calendars are $15.95 ($16.60 w/tax) 10% of all calendars sold support Heartbeet Lifesharing in Hardwick. Support local art, autism awareness and Heartbeet all at the same time!

·         Attention students: Friday Program registration forms and applicable waivers must be signed by a parent and returned with any fees in the high school office as soon as possible!

·         HUNO Club is collecting non-perishable food for the local Food Shelf. The goal is 50 items per TA. This food drive will run the month of November. The TA in each grade that brings in the most items will be rewarded a Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream party!

·         Community Service:

o   Kid's Night Out – Friday, November 18th from 5:30 – 10:30pm. Contact Stowe Rec 253-6138.

Old News:

·         The Ultimate Frisbee Club is now selling Stowe Raider Frisbee's for $15. See Roger to purchase.

·         Students can now upload photos from their mobile devices to be put into the yearbook through an app called "Replay It". It is available for free online. Yearbook club is looking for sports pictures, homecoming pictures, spirit week pictures and any candid's you wish to be seen in the yearbook.



All entrées served with milk, fruit and veggie bar

NOV 15 – homemade whole wheat pizza, Caesar salad

NOV 16 – Thanksgiving Lunch

NOV 17 – beef or bean nacho's, cheese sauce, rice, salsa, sour cream, black bean salad

NOV 18 – BBQ pork sandwich, whole wheat bun, coleslaw, sweet potato fries

NOV 21 – Breakfast for Lunch – French toast, home fries

NOV 22 – homemade whole wheat pizza, Caesar salad